Turkeys and Broilers will be validated upon pick-up in their respective months.
Validation Process 2024
- WCLA Validation of animals will consist of either WCLA or State Validated tags. We will accept either.
- The animal must have either a WCLA tag or a State Validation tag at the time of validation paperwork submission.
- All validation information, WCLA or State Validation, must reflect properly at the time of weight card turn in.
- State Validation Tags will be accepted if it is a current State Validation Tag from 2024 Spring validation for the State Fair of Texas, or you will be validating with a State Validation Tag prior to the WCLA deadline of October 5, 2024. If using state tags, you will submit the fully completed Rules Acknowledgement Form along with DNA envelopes at same time as our validation.
- WCLA Validation in 2024 will be the responsibility of the CEA, AST, and Exhibitors.
- Exhibitors will be responsible for tagging, collecting the DNA samples, and submitting the DNA samples to WCLA.
- Validation tags and DNA collection envelopes will be distributed to the exhibitor’s AST for FFA exhibitors or the CEA for 4H exhibitors, upon ShoWorks payment. Validation of animals will consist of either WCLA and/or State Validated tags.
- Tags will be issued to each exhibitor based on number of tags ordered prior to the deadline for ordering tags. Tags are not eligible to be swapped from exhibitor to exhibitor. All tags will be distributed to an exhibitor’s AST for FFA exhibitors or the CEA for 4H exhibitors. Contact the Division Superintendent for replacements.
- Retags will be done on site at any future lamb and goat state validation in the case a WCLA tag needs to be removed for tattooing.
- The completed and sealed DNA sample envelopes containing the validated animal’s hair sample and the Show Rules Acknowledgement Form must be postmarked or delivered to the WCLA on or before SATURDAY October 5, 2024 by 12pm (noon) at the Pavilion behind the County Extension Office 100 Wilco Way #AG201, Georgetown, TX 78626.
WCLA (Williamson County Livestock Association)
P.O Box 530
Georgetown, Texas 78627
- There will be a Last Chance tagging on October 5, 2024. From 8 am and validation paperwork due by 12pm (noon) at:
The Pavilion behind the County Extension Office
100 Wilco Way #AG201, Georgetown, TX 78626
- ALL Exhibitors must fill out and turn in the WCLA Show Rules Acknowledgement form with their validation packet. Form will be distributed or you can print from here and fill out
- Any Market Steer and Breeding Heifer exhibited at the WCLA show must be validated under the Texas 4-H and FFA Market Steer / Breeding Heifer Validation Program (state major show validation) for the 2024-2025 show year. Any Breeding Heifer exhibited at the WCLA show must submit DNA samples and such samples must be postmarked or delivered to the WCLA on or before October 31, 2024.
- All Market Swine, Market Lambs, Market Goats, and for the WCLA show must be validated no later than October 5, 2024.
- All Breeding Swine, Commercial Ewes, and Commercial Does (Goats) for the WCLA show must submit DNA samples and such samples must be postmarked or delivered to the WCLA on or before October 31, 2024. If the Breeding project(s) is not state validated with a tag and have registration papers in the exhibitor's name, it must have a WCLA tag ordered prior to the tag cutoff date and be validated with a WCLA tag.
Tools you will need:
Validation Packet
Curved/Bent Nose or Needle Nose Pliers
Y-TEX tagger (Tags are Y-TEX)
Swine Validation Process
Swine will need the YELLOW tag to be placed in the animals RIGHT ear.
Swine Tag Example
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Sheep and Goat Validation Process
Goats will need the ORANGE tag to be placed in the animals RIGHT ear.
*Note that if animals are to be validated for state they must leave enough room for the county tattoo to be placed in the right ear. If they have questions they can contact the CEA or Brad Noack. |
Goat Tag Example
Lamb Tag Example
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*If an ear tag is damaged or lost, the WCLA must be notified via email at [email protected] within 48 hours of the animal losing the tag or the tag being damaged. No animal will be retagged and eligible for the show if the WCLA or division superintendent is not notified within 48 hours. Poultry bands will only be re banded within the first 14 days after receiving the birds. Rabbits who do not have a legible tattoo must notify the superintendent at least two weeks prior to the show date. Rabbits that do not have a legible tattoo will be ineligible to show. The division superintendent will determine when the animal will be retagged. Positive identification will be checked before animals are retagged. This requirement is in addition to any requirement to contact the Extension Service regarding lost major show validation tags.